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Sand accumulation in the screen channel


  • Sand presence in the collected screenings

  • Water level increase in the screening channel

  • Sand reduction collected form the grit chamber

Main causes

  • Reduced approach velocity

  • Obstruction occurrence in the screening channel

Investigations and analyses

  • Confine the area where sand accumulates

  • Measure the approach velocity corresponding to the different wastewater flow rate;

  • Examine the as-built drawings to check the presence of some shape irregularity in the approaching channel

Remedial actions

  • If the approaching velocity is less than 0.5 m s-1 then an increase is needed:

a temporary solution could be the flow rate increase through a recycle flow, a reduction of the screening channels (if there are more than two working in parallel) a water level reduction modifying the out flow weir

  • Empty the screen channel and remove all the bottom irregularities

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