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Slow sand filtration

Slow sand filtration can be very effective to treat municipal treatment in a tertiary step. The application of slow sand filtration (SSF) is feasible on a biologically pre-treated wastewater. The mechanisms for water impurities removal are mechanical filtration, enhanced biological activity on surfaces and adsorption. These features make SSF very attractive for advanced treatment of effluents. The key parameters of the SSF are the depth of the sand filter and the effective size of the sand. The effective size of the sand is usually 0.15 – 0.4 mm and the depth between 0.6 to 1.0 m. The filter doesn’t need to be backwashed regularly, it is easy to remove the first layer on the surface and to replace it with new material. The used material can be recycled or disposed. The SSF is able to remove significantly bacteria so that the effluent is almost hygienically safe.

Figure 7: Slow sand filtration system (source: National Drinking Water Clearinghouse)

Table 2 gives an overview of the common technologies and their characteristics



Ground space demand

Energy costs

Capital and operation costs

Technical knowledge for operation and maintenance

Hygienic Quality in the effluent

Activate sludge plant (SBR)

Good biological activity in warm climate, evaporation in warm and dry climate



High capital costs, lower operation and maintenance costs


Elimination by factor 10-100

Trickling filter, rotation disc contactor

Independent, usually built in house



High capital, operation and maintenance costs


Elimination by factor 10-100

Anaerobic reactor

No evaporation problems, the warmer, the better the biological activity


Energy recovery

High capital costs but energy recovery of biogas


Elimination by factor 10-100

Constructed Wetland

Transpiration depends on the type of plants



Low capital, operation and maintenance costs


1 log elimination

Lagoons (aerated or natural)

High evaporation rate in dry climate


Low for natural, medium for aeration

Low capital, operation and maintenance costs


> 3 log elimination for long residence time

Membrane reactor

Evaporation in warm and dry climate

very low

very high

High capital, operation and maintenance costs


Hygienically safe (UF)

Slow sand filtration

Evaporation in warm and dry climate



Low capital, operation and maintenance costs


Hygienically almost safe

UV, Chlorine Ozone

Needs building



Low capital, high operation and maintenance costs


Hygienically safe

Table 2: Wastewater technologies and their characteristics (Wendland, 2003)

The basic technologies applied in developed countries, primarily activated sludge process, are not able to meet common hygienic standard. The effluent of these plants contains still many pathogens which are usually highly diluted in the receiving waters so that they don´t harm. Only the filtration, physical and chemical technologies can meet the hygienic standards mostly required for water reuse.

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